
09 abril 2008

otras visiones de las hegemonías universitarias

The future is open and the 22 authors in Prospects of higher education explore it from three perspectives: the world as a whole, the Americas, and particular localities and regions. Moving beyond nation-centered analysis of states and markets, Prospects uses concepts of public and private goods to map the potentials for global trade and university rankings, common knowledge benefits and multilateral policy action, national stratification and the wash-back effects in systems and institutions. Broad and imaginative, methodologically innovative and policy sharp, this book has much for government and university leaders, scholars of higher education and anyone interested in public policy.
Marginson, Simon (ed.) – Prospects of Higher Education: Globalization, market competition, public goods and the future of the university, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam (October 2007).

El realzado en negrita es mío. Los siguientes textos de Marginson dan una idea más exacta de la "orientalización" del éxito investigador y universitario más allá del ombliguismo angloparlante con el que se suelen dibujar estos mapas:

Marginson, S. - Higher Education and Globalization: Issues for research Part II : Cross-border mobility, flows and the globalization of the academic profession, paper for the Executive Forum of the European Association for International Education, Berlin, 29 February (2008) Slides

Marginson, S. - Global University rankings, paper for symposium, 'Comparing colleges: the implications of classification, ranking and peer analysis for research and practice', annual conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 6-10 November (2007) Slides.

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