
09 noviembre 2005

inteligencia colectiva/ universal usability

De la sede web del Web Science Workshop The Emerging Science of the Web (septiembre 2005) traigo unas líneas de un texto de Carole Goble y otras líneas de un texto de Ben Shneiderman.
El texto de Carol Goble se titula "Hatching the next generation Web in the incubator of e-Science Or Lets stop doing stuff in the abstract, we nearly always get it wrong anyhow". En él habla de Internet como almacén y herramienta para desarrollar una inteligencia colectiva.

"The Web is already a repository and a mechanism for collective intelligence; the Semantic Web is a means of converting it into something automatically processable in some way, and that some way may be as simple as making a link."

"e-Science is science performed through distributed global collaborations between scientists and their resources enabled by electronic means, in order to solve scientific problems"

"Real progress depends on pooling know-how and results. It depends on collaboration and making connections between ideas, people, and data. It depends on finding and interpreting results and knowledge generated by scientific colleagues you do not know and who do not know you, to be analysed in ways they did not anticipate, to generate new hypotheses to be pooled in their turn".
Ben Shneiderman plantea un documento titulado "Universal Usability: Pushing Human-Computer Interaction Research to Empower Every Citizen ". En él se pregunta :
"How can information and communications services be made usable for every citizen?". Algunas de las pistas que da son:
- Technology variety: Supporting a broad range of hardware, software, and network access
- User diversity: Accommodating users with different skills, knowledge, age, gender, handicaps, literacy, culture, income, etc.
- Gaps in user knowledge: Bridging the gap between what users know and what they need to know

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