
12 septiembre 2005

Open Science. Convergencias en lo público

Pongo una marca en First Monday al artículo sobre Open Science de John Willinsky, de 10 de agosto.
Up to this point, the universities have fostered open science, and advanced open source software, even if both originated off campus in large measure. With the more recent of these open initiatives — open access — it falls almost entirely to the universities and their faculty to take the lead. Universities "re–entering the world" with the intent to "serve the world" would do well to support faculty participation in open access archives and journals. Open access to research and scholarship would foster a global exchange of public goods. It would extend and sustain an open, alternative economy for intellectual properties. It would strengthen the links between open source software — which is vital to providing open access to research — and the university’s long–standing tradition of open science. Given the encroachments, not to mention the temptations, of the knowledge business, this is no time to take the commonwealth of learning for granted. It falls to the members of that commonwealth to recognize and support the current convergence of open initiatives that represent dedicated efforts to ensure the future of that learning.

The unacknowledged convergence of open source, open access, and open science by John Willinsky
First Monday, volume 10, number 8 (August 2005),
URL: http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue10_8/willinsky/index.html

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