
15 marzo 2005

ciberg�neros y tipo de documento digital

Agradezco a Peter Lindberg que limpiara su disco duro y rescate en Tesugen notas y glosas sobre la noci�n de g�nero. Del post selecciono:
"Watters and Shepherd (1997) mean that digital genre provide recognized contexts for both form and content which enables users to shape models or understandings of the genre ... [gives them] a framework of familiarity. This also provides user expectations.

The term cyber genre was introduced by Shepherd and Watters (1998). In their taxonomy that describes genre evolution, cyber genres are divided into two classes of sub genres; extant and novel. Extant genres are based on existing genres in other media that have been transferred into the digital media. Novel genres are fully dependent on the digital media and have no counterparts in other media."

A los g�neros digitales o ciberg�neros vuelvo una vez m�s despu�s leer la clasificaci�n de tipos de documentos digitales que conten�a la presentaci�n (pdf) de Peter Merholz (con JJ Garret, J Veen y otros en Adaptive Path). Su propuesta elabora una tipolog�a de documentos digitales y a partir de la lista intenta simplificar los proyectos de arquitecturas de informaci�n desde patrones comunes o m�s familiares a los usuarios.

El asunto ha merecido algunas matizaciones en Bloug (Rosenfeld):

"I left Peter's presentation with two thoughts:

1. Linking content genres sequentially: In certain situations, it could be highly beneficial to link content genres sequentially. These situations might involve workflows that are both task-rich and genre-rich. Paying one's taxes might be an example--perhaps tax forms constitute some of the most hated content genres--or preparing a meal (shopping lists, product ingredients, recipes) is another. Both would lend themselves to clear and useful sequential contextual linking.
2. Creating new content genres: Most (if not all) document types that would qualify as genres come to us from the print world. As the digital age marches on and print subsides, the value of these genres may decay. How do we create useful new genres that exist in purely digital contexts? If it's possible, it would be powerful. The answer might lie in determining if there are content genres out there that live solely in digital format, and learning how they got established so firmly. These digital genres may have emerged organically, but perhaps they can be domesticated or we can steal their DNA and churn out new ones. Can anyone think of a content genre that was born digitally?"

Entre los comentarios se discute si la ista de ITunes, XHTML 1.0 o grupos de discusi�n como USENET son ciberg�neros. La cuesti�n de separar g�neros por su contenido (y forma), formatos y tipos de documentos abre otros interrogantes.

Creo que entre nosotros podemos reconocer el blog o la bit�cora como un g�nero espec�ficamente digital. Aunque adem�s pueda ser tratado como formato de edici�n y de gesti�n, o para algunos interese m�s su caracter de aplicaci� y sus variadas utilidades editoriales, de navegaci�n: post, acceso, recuperaci�n, rss, multimedia, multisoporte, etc.

* Yates, J., & Orlikowski, W. J. (1992). Genres of organizational communication: Astructurational approach to studying communications and media. Academy of Management Review, 17(2), 299-326.

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