
10 febrero 2005

formatos publicitarios en Internet

Escrito por Gloria Gómez Diago.

El Center for Interactive Advertising de la Universidad de Texas pone a nuestra disposición, entre otros, un texto de Hairong Li, yJohn D. Leckenby(2004) titulado "Internet Advertising Formats and Effectiveness" en el que los autores realizan un detallado repaso a los formatos publicitarios que se desarrollan en Internet, as� como a diferentes criterios que se han venido aplicando en la historia de la publicidad para medir la eficacia de la misma.
Los puntos tratados en el art�culo son:
Conceptualization of internet Advertising Effectiveness
Objectives and Effectiveness
Criteria of Effectiveness
Criteria and Interactivity
Criteria and Control Ownership
Formats and Effectiveness of Internet Advertising
Banner Ads
Rich Media
Keyword Search
Expanded Scope of Internet Advertising Research
Function of Internet Advertising
Message of Internet Advertising

De especial inter�s me parece la distinci�n que se realiza al principio( pag.3) entre 3 tipos de interacci�n:
"This interaction can be human-machine, machine-machine, and human-message,
among others. Interactive Communication refers to, for example, human-message
interaction where the user relates to and, in some cases, modifies the message with which he/she is interacting. Clicking on a banner ad represents a low level of interaction of this nature while
choosing an ending among many for an online movie represents a higher level of interactive
communication with a message."

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