
20 agosto 2004

I am not a PR agency

Me sumo tambi�n a la respuesta de Louise Ferguson, escueta y clarita.

Algunos siguen empe�ados en hacer negocio con nuestros blogs. Y no son muy buenos cuando no proponen servicios o productos que nos interesen a los autores o a los que pueden leernos.

I get quite a few emails that go something like this:

As a blogger focusing on news and trends within the technology sector, I thought that you would be interested in this innovative X from Y company. Please consider covering this new product in your blog.

[Uf! Unattached participle: "As a blogger...., I...." and he's not the blogger: Someone send him a copy of Fowler.]

I got another couple today. One involved a product that claims to solve the spaghetti junction nightmare of home multimedia systems, but it's for products from a large multinational that has a poor history of usability.

I am not a PR. Perhaps if I had the device/system and could assess it, or if I had some evidence of its usability and/or user experience, I could write something. But I don't do PR. Sorry.

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