
13 mayo 2004

estructura en el dise�o web e industrial

Structure is the foundation in which good design is built. Just like a house, you wouldn't build it without blueprints and laying the foundation first.

Structure is perhaps the most important thing that goes into a web site. Without structure the site is just a pile of broken 2x4s and sealed off doorways.

In technical terms, structure is everything from the conceptual wireframes, to the tangible markup and coding.

This is not to say design itself isn't extremely important to the image that the site coveys, but if a site just looks good and doesn't function properly it's really of no use to anyone.

Esta es una de las Ten questions for Nick Finck en Web Standards Group.

Utilitarismo y pragmatismo (en el contexto y la cultura) mantienen fuertes lazos con el estructuralismo (sobre contenidos y de fondo) y el formalismo (en la imagen y el estilo).

Un dise�o cercano a esto planteamientos puede ser el del nuevo racionalismo que comentaba Javier Ca�ada en Terremoto. Su orientalidad destaca una simplicidad y una limpieza m�s funcional que las del minimalismo.

Versiones web y objetual del equilibrio entre dise�o y funci�n.

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